Tuesday, September 8, 2009

random walking part 1

It's a very wet and cold day here in Quezon City, and what better way to spend the afternoon than catching up with unfinished programs for the Physics 156 class.

Last friday, I started with the ray tracer for the Optics
class (to be posted when its done). The program is supposed to solve for the system matrix of a given set of interfaces and media and the principal planes of the system. Rays should be allowed to launch from a user-defined position, height and angle from the principal axis and interfaces. The path of the rays should then be traced as it is transmitted and refracted.

Another programming task is animating random walkers. Aargh. This one is long overdue, but I managed to start with a simple single random walker with varying number of steps.

Here is a random walker making 500 steps.

...and another one

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