Monday, August 10, 2009

Reading Tolkien

Reading tolkien was what i did for the most part of 2001-2002. Yes. Tolkien when I wake up and Tolkien before I sleep. This was before high school and right around the time when I did a lot of writing and reading, mostly tabloid and broadsheet opinion pages and drafting ideas for the Regional Press Conference. This is like a writing camp for all the kids that culminates to a national event and requires you to compete with other kids to qualify for a slot.

And yes, I won a spot for the Gen San Conference... and was told not to go. I tried writing again in high school but I was too lazy by then. After that writing was equivalent to drafting laboratory reports and doing history essays and emo one-liners on my notebooks.

But I'm wanting to change that. Nah. Attempting to write a blog seems a gargatuan task for now. I'll be writing on vacuum and Negros, on mostly mundane stuff and the how badly I need sleep almost every time. And in between blogging and methyl red solutions, meeting and lab reports, I'll be re-reading The Two Towers and the silmarils, the vanyar and Luthien Tinuviel.


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